Tuesday, June 5, 2007

How To Delete Cookies

Do you know that each time we surf the internet, our computer could broadcast sensitive information? These are cookies. Most websites gives you cookies. Cookie is used to identify you each time you surf their websites. Hence, it is important to clear your cookies frequently. You can use CookieCuller by Mozilla.

It is best to use two browsers. One for safe browsing and the other for unsafe browsing. I would suggest you use IE (Internet Explorers) for normal surfing. For unsafe websites or websites you do not wish to let people know, then Firefox by Mozilla would be useful.

Online banking is one example where you need to delete cookies after each session. Other websites that deal with payment or the use of passwords, should use this free utility to delete cookies.

If you want to clear your cookies frequently in your browsers, you can use the FREE software by Mozilla - CookieCuller . It can help protect any cookies you do not want to lose too. CookieCuller works with Firefox. Hence to use CookieCuller, you should install Firefox.

Click the Firefox logo on the bottom right to install, it for FREE.

Then after installing the browser FIREFOX, you should install CookieCuller Click the link. Don't worry its FREE!

Happy Surfing!

1 comment:

pipit said...

you can also click tools, choose clear private data and when the options pop up choose your options and click clear private data