Friday, July 20, 2007

How To Copy Video (from Youtube.Com)

I received an email asking on How To Copy Video.

"Let's say i want to "steal" a video in one of your blog to put it into my blog, how should i do that? Meaning: Blog to blog transfer of video. Do i need to 1st, find a way to "take" your video out from your blog & upload it into a hosting site (like youtube), then only put it into my blog? Or can i go to the "source" of the post, and just copy-paste the html into my blog? If this is the way, is that also mean i need to be able to identify the exact html of the video and copy-paste that video portion only? (usually the html will inclusive of all info/setting of the whole post, and video is just a small part of it). Don't worry, i am not going to steal your video"

To copy a video from the internet into your website is quite easy if you know the process. There are two aspects of copying.

First to copy video directly from and second to copy from a website with Youtube's video.

Today I am going to talk about copying video directly from Youtube.Com to your website.

Step 1. Suppose you open my video website at
Type the URL as shown (see 1 below).

Step 2. Next you scroll down to check all the videos.

Step 3. Choose a video - Let say you choose : Giant Ant vs Earthworm (by clicking on the picture)

Step 4. Next, click on the EMBED code (see below)

Step 5. Then you RIGHT-CLICK and COPY the code.
Step 6. Paste the code at your website.
BTW, you don't have to worry as all videos in YouTube.Com are FREE for use by everyone. Please take as many as you want. Of course you can't edit it to claim authorship.

Next, how to copy video from a website with YouTube's video.


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